Untapped potential To provide a boost to our economy
HarVa power
Triple bottom line
Value For All!!
Redefining CSR
We aim to assist rural India to access and harness the opportunities that urban India / local environment offers for a better quality of life. It includes supporting various development projects that create employment for villagers. Our foundation is built on "Blue Ocean" strategy with dual benefits of building a profitable business model and creating socio-economic value. The engine that drives this model is the out-of-the-box thinking leading to innovations and inventions relevant to connecting rural India with corporate world. We intend to create farming groups and Rural BPOs that foster and engender greater investments from the corporate world into the rural sector.
The capitalist economy has failed to address the combined challenge of economic and social upliftment. Most of the companies are gripped with and revolve around customer centric model, profitability and building shareholder value. Although, some of them have adopted corporate social responsibility programs, they have failed to genuinely add value to rural India and society in general because most of their initiatives are not part of their core business model.
HarVa aims to take up the challenge by blending both a profitable and social model. The hybrid model takes entrepreneurship to new a level where profits are maximized by adapting various innovative steps aimed to reap benefits from the current rural labor arbitrage and address the social issues like rural employment and education.